Content Creation

50 Cent Interview

50 Cent’s publicist wanted Blender digital to help promote his video game, and I wanted an interview with the man himself. Our compromise was a fun interview in which, as 50 Cent said himself, we asked some really interesting questions.

Executive produced, researched, coordinated talent, wrote questions, shot camera B.

Michna Interview

I was already a fan of Michna’s after having received his debut album, Magic Mondays, from his label Ghostly International. When offered the opportunity to do a project with him I jumped at the chance. I knew that the multi-talented Michna was a DJ, and a skateboarder, and I knew a cameraman who shot skateboard videos, so we got together and followed Michna around on a skateboard as he visited record shops in New York City’s East Village. 

Executive produced, researched, coordinated talent, wrote questions, co-directed.

Lookalikes Gallery

At I was always looking for ways to surface our robust catalog of individual biographies. While doing research I came across an image of Millard FIllmore and was instantly dumbstruck - dude looks exactly like Alec Baldwin! Thus was born the very popular Famous Lookalikes photo gallery.

Wanting to experiment with podcasts, despite no budget whatsoever, I proposed and oversaw the execution of AHC’s first (and only) podcast series, Against the Odds. The reworked on-air series currently has an average rating of 5 stars on Apple podcasts, and as ChatGPT summarizes, “critics have praised the podcast for its compelling storytelling and high production values.”

Dunkirk Explained Gallery

Thematic photo galleries like the D-Day Mega Gallery and the Damaged and Destroyed Aircraft Gallery were the most popular content types on the Military Channel/American Heroes Channel sites. As the July 2017 release of the epic movie Dunkirk approached I created a Dunkirk Explained photo gallery to provide history fans a primer for the movie.

Ahead of Steve Irwin Day, with his family’s permission, I directed a team to scour through every episode of Crocodile Hunter with specific instructions to pull out certain segments to fit within a tribute video, which when posted to Facebook immediately went viral. Screening hours upon hours of footage has made me love the man even more - watching the video will make you love him more as well.

Honestly I was not aware of who Jeffree Star was when his publicist approached me at Blender, but after a bit of research and consulting with my incredible head of video production we had Jeffree visit our office building for an interview on an abandoned office floor. As anticipated, combining the mundane, slightly dilapidated environment with the livewire influencer/artist led to a memorable interview.

Executive produced, researched, coordinated talent, wrote questions, co-directed.

I love me a brainstorm, and being called in to assist our Marketing team with naming a beer that was being brewed just for Travel Channel’s tentpole Ghostober event was really a treat. The folks at Silver Branch Brewery in Silver Spring, Maryland, wanted to emulate a Belgian abbey that brewed a particular golden ale, and whose brand signature is a gnome. The name of this special beer had to be sinister. Thus was born Fear the Ungnome!